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 Body Contouring &
Body Sculpting

Radiofrequency is one of the modalities that in Tulip Aesthetic Laser Clinic we utilize for Body Contouring and Body Sculpting. Radio frequency skin tightening (RF) is an aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. The technique induces tissue remodeling and production of new collagen and elastin The process provides an alternative to facelift and other cosmetic surgeries.



Radiofrequency treatment is a non-surgical means of “reshaping” the body and face from beneath the superficial layer of the skin. This method uses sophisticated devices specifically designed to treat men and women’s most common skin aging problems like wrinkles, excess fatty tissues, or cellulite. Mechanism of action of radiofrequency waves is basically inducing heat energy in tissue resulting in remodeling and production of elastin and new collagen. Unlike invasive procedures which primarily affect the most superficial layers of the skin, the resulting heat of the Radiofrequency treatment works mainly on the deepest layer of the skin, the dermis, without affecting the upper layers that are above it such as the epidermis.

Heat works as a  stimulant that promotes contraction of the underlying tissues, especially at the dermis level, soft tissues found within that area of the body compress, realign, and even produce new collagen, a process that normally takes many months to complete. Healthy new collagen present from the deepest level of skin, help sculpting and tightening the area.












Benefits of Radiofrequency Skin Tightening & Body Sculpting

  • Tightening of the Skin

  • Reduce Sagging of Skin

  • Mild Wrinkle Reduction

  • Diminishes or Removes Cellulite

  • Reduction of Body Fats

  • Contour Reshaping

  • Post-operative Liposuction Smoothing







Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Side Effects

While radio frequency skin tightening has a lower instance of side effects than other cosmetic and non-invasive procedures, there are still several risks involved. Common side effects that have been reported include mild swelling of the treated skin, redness, sinking of the treated area, and sensitivity. You should monitor the treated skin carefully during the first few hours after treatment to ensure that your skin isn’t reacting negatively to the treatment. Do not touch or manipulate the area too much, as this might cause further irritation. If the heated sensations return, you can use a spray bottle to mist the area with a cool water and aloe vera mixture. If you should experience severe swelling, pain, or other unusual side effects, you should call your doctor immediately, as these may be signs of a serious side effect to the radio frequency skin tightening treatment

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening  & Body Sculpting Procedures

On the day of your radio frequency skin tightening procedure you should avoid wearing any cosmetics or lotion, especially oil-based formulas, as they may affect how effectively the RF waves make contact with the skin. The skin care specialist will then use a gliding gel to increase the effectiveness of the delivery to the skin in order to reduce the chances of irritation. If you have sensitive skin and feel any kind of heated sensation after the treatment, you can request a cooling mist or thin gel to reduce or eliminate these sensations.

RF treatments can be very effective especially if you get continuous treatment. Most of the time, you won’t be able to see results until a few sessions. Typically, treatment requires a series of 8-12 treatment sessions lasting 30–45 minutes. Devices have different penetration depths depending on the number of electrodes (monopolar, bipolar, or tripolar)

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Body contouring
Skin tightening and body contouring
Body contouring
Skin tightening
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